2016/17 Summer Fees, BV Rego & Concession

22 Sep 2016 by Shane Cole

The 2016/17 summer season is almost here.
The club fees are $300, however if you pay before round two they are only $275!
These are to be paid directly to the club, via this app, to a committee member or through bank deposit to

Name: Footscray Baseball Club
BSB: 063181
Account #: 10056304

The Baseball Victoria (BV) registration is $125 and needs to be paid before round 1 and can be done online at https://memberdesq.imgstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=login&OrgID=16723.

If you have any trouble at all with the online registration fee Shane Cole will be at training on Thursdays and is more than happy to help out.

Concession Fees (for anyone that is under 18 and a student) are $200 flat. No early bird fee just $200 flat. If you believe you qualify for concession please see either Wonka or Humma to organise payment.

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